Calling Thread Must be STA error message

Not sure why below error message appearing… never seen this before… If you Click on OK SMBAPOS closes.

What happened just before this?
Any changes to rules or anything else?

Hi Jon.

No, changes were made. this was a fresh installation of Windows 7 32 Bit SP1 and SambaSetup4120_Beta.exe. configured with SQL.

Sounds like a coding error from what I can find, but 4.1.20 works fine when upgrading so something is missing.

Install .NET 4.5 and try again.
Try reinstalling SambaPOS, using CE. Then switch to SQL.

Strange. It should display own SambaPOS error dialog instead of that.

You should have a log file called log.txt under [MyDocuments]\SambaPOS4 folder. Zip that file and post under this topic. That might give an idea. (2.4 KB)

Attached is the log file. As per Johns Recommendation I have reinstalled .NET 4.5 and it seems to have resolved the issue. I’ll continue to test…

This is the first time I have seen this error, as I have been testing different revisions from 4.1.12…
