Customer Display- Having a delay before changing screens

Yes I did, but I understand this a little better now. I just type it and it worked. the delay fired and back to Idle screen.

Learnt many new things from you guys. Really appreciate the help.

Am I able to get help on one more thing or should I create a separate thread for it?

Create a new thread… it facilitates searches for different subjects.

Alright. I’ll do that. I just tested it and it worked fine. However I just realised one thing, when customer pays in multiple type of payments. E.G.

Total Amount: $50
Customer gives $20
Screen shows : $30 Remaining
After 5 seconds, screen goes to Idle screen
Customer pays another 15
Order screen shows up, and after 5 seconds it goes back to idle screen.

Can we make it so that once the whole amount has been tendered to, delay the screen for 5-10 seconds then it goes back to idle screen?

You want a constraint on the execute automation command for ‘REMAINING TOTAL’ == ‘0’

That works. However there’s another issue.

I’ve got my template to show the payment type, tendered amount, change and remaining amount at the bottom for every time there is a partial payment done until it’s fully settled.

When I put that constraint in the rule, and apply the partial payments, it doesn’t display that until after payment is made, and then for about 5-10 seconds the page with that information is on the screen before going to idle screen.

The way I want to set it up is that so as long as there is a remaining total left, the screen doesn’t go idle until it’s settled, then wait 5-10 seconds, then go to Idle screen.

I feel as though I may need a new action and rule to make this occur.

Or can you guys think of a better way of how I should do this?

Think you put the constraint in the wrong place by sounds of it.
Show screen show of the payment processed rule.

Exactly what I thought :stuck_out_tongue:

Take the rule constraint out.

Put ‘{REMAINING TOTAL}’ == ‘0’ in the action constraint.

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Ahh yess I thought that was wrong of me to do also haha. However do I insert that constraint in the first action or second?

On the exacute automation command as you only want that to happen when there are no more payments to be made :smile:

in other words

Is this correct?

Looks good to me (if I am following on what your trying to do) :smile:

Alright, I did that, it shows the tendered box, but doesn’t go back to idle screen after whole amount is tendered.

I also checked my Template to ensure that I put {REMAINING AMOUNT} and not {BALANCE} to ensure that it was reading the same thing. But no luck.

Show your rule which fires the idle screen?

This is when Ticket is closed

This below is to execute the Idle screen print job

Try changing {REMAINING AMOUNT} to [:RemainingAmount]

In the action Fire Idle Screen?

In the execute automation command action constraint where you just put ‘{REMAINING TOTAL}’ == ‘0’
Change it to ‘[:RemainingAmount]’ == ‘0’

Ah I knew that’s where you meant, so I went ahead and did that and no luck. still doesn’t go back to Idle screen.

Found the issue…

Instead of putting ‘{REMAINING TOTAL}’ == ‘0’

I just put {REMAINING TOTAL} == 0

I just removed those " ’ " and it seemed to have worked :smiley: