Not sure on the language side of printer setup but for dual language product lines should be fairly easy.
You would choose say english as actual product name but setup a product tag/caption (not order tag) of say Chinese product name.
Then in the printer template setup the orders layout section…
The {ORDERS} part will be propergated with the part under the [ORDERS] part on a per order line basis so that part would look something like this;
<L00> {PRODUCT TAG:Chinese Product Name}
Which should give you something that looks like this;
1 x Beef Burger 7.95
Chinese for Beef Burger
* Tags (if any)
1 x Chicken Burger 8.95
Chinese for Chicken Burger
* Tags (if any)
The tags shown may need some adjustment depending on your setup but along those lines should do the job.
Product tags are added in: Settings --> Program Settings --> Product Tag Captions (Comma separated field)
Product tags will then show at the bottom of the products individual settings tabs and also in the Product Tag Editor tab.