About Custom Report Filter

I know that. This is default report. But as you said you must add payment type name to report if you add a new payment type. this report named static report. bur i want to create a dynamic payment report. if you add a new payment type, report will show this automaticly.

Now I get it. It was easier for me to just modify the stock report when I had a new payment type. Sorry I couldn’t help more.

Keep in mind that if someone pays towards a customer account, that information is stored in Account Transactions, not payments. Payments will have an entry when the ticket was settled to the customer account.

I don’t know if this will help you, but the following report shows total payments by type excluding those settled to a customer account:

[Payments Reveived by Type:2,1]
>>Payment Type|Total
{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT P.Name, SUM(P.TenderedAmount) AS Total FROM Payments P INNER JOIN PaymentTypes PT ON P.PaymentTypeId = PT.Id WHERE PT.Name NOT LIKE 'Customer%' AND Date BETWEEN '{Start}' AND '{End}' GROUP BY P.Name:F.Name,F.Total}

This is the same

Am i missing something…

{REPORT PAYMENT DETAILS:P.Type.asc,P.Amount.sum:P.Amount>0}

Müşteri Hesabı is Custommer Accounts in turkish. And i dont want to show it.

So its not because its 0? Seemed like that was a factor…
Try this then;

There is nothing.

I completely missed that. Who knew that things were different in other language. :wink:

Does this show any different?

[Payments Reveived by Type:2,1]
>>Payment Type|Total
{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT P.Name, SUM(P.TenderedAmount) AS Total FROM Payments P INNER JOIN PaymentTypes PT ON P.PaymentTypeId = PT.Id WHERE PT.Name NOT LIKE '%Müşteri%' AND Date BETWEEN '{Start}' AND '{End}' GROUP BY P.Name:F.Name,F.Total}

now it is ok thanks.