After upgrading to 4.1.59

I think when I am done with this you might be impressed with my state work hahaha. You and others in community the last few days have really given me a lot more knowledge to work with. And a lot of ideas. Love the community its growing pretty fast it seems lately.

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Thank you so much @emre, everything works great.

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I worked so hard on the design :wink: and I was scared that everything was destroyed :smiley:

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I know how you feel.

I have worked really hard on mine and yesterday I almost made a mistake and lost everything. I have been saving my backups on an external drive. I was doing some testing with databases and I got VERY SLOPPY it was late and I was tiredā€¦ I thought I was on one of my mirrored local drives and I was deleting some old backupsā€¦ well I accidentally permanently deleted all of my database backups and I had just overwrote my main database on the server. I thought I had lost ALL of my work over last few months. Luckily I was able to recover the deleted data with a recovery tool but i was sweating bullets. I did have access to download my pre-built database but it would have reverted a lot of changes I made recently. Anyway I know how you feel.

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Iā€™ve added Samba Cloud Backup Service idea to my list. :slight_smile:

A new version never destroys your data. However a backup will be useful when downgrading to prior version needed. Also keep in mind Backup Module automatically creates backups before starting database migrations and label it as Migrate Backup. Enable Auto create backups before upgrading to a new version setting.