Assigning Licence to customer

I want to purchase a new Licence, on my cP. who do I assign the licence to the customer

You buy it and create a customer then assign the new license.Go to customer section.

Ok thanks. Let me try that.

You have to use the customers email when you create their account. Do not use your email.

Can I use SQL Server 2017 Express edition with pro v5?

Which of this SQL do you recommend for my setup?

Go to it has detailed tutorials on setup, use, configuration

If it’s just a single terminal then on install choose local database and it will install SQL express for you. need multi terminal support then install SQL express 2017.

If your a reseller you should spend the time to learn the system. You will not be able to support any clients if you don’t. It will do SambaPOS an Injustice if you provide them a bad experience.

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Okay. I have work with SambaPOS for 2 years now, This is my second installation. I just what to make sure no much things has changed. Thank you for your advice. I am a reseller.

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What versions did you work with? V5? I love meeting resellers. We really should have a place for resellers to share their experiences.

I used version 5. Sambapos is an excellent product. I must say