Beginners help needed for Payments on Customer Account

Hi all,

I’m very new to SambaPOS and I’m trying to setup payment on accounts since that’s something we use a lot (people pay at the end of the month).

I’ve created a payment type with account transaction type ‘customer account transaction’.

Now when I select this payment type on the settle screen, I would like the amount ot be booked to the currently selected client but when I look in the account overview I see that all payments are booked on the generic ‘Customer Account’ account and not the specific customer account.

What do I need to change in my settings to get the payments booked on the individual accounts without having to create a payment type per customer?



Payment Types are specifically for Tickets, not Customer Accounts. Do not use a Payment Type for your purpose.

Create an Account Document Type, and place the Transaction Type in the Document. This will provide a button on the Customer Account Screen which will allow you to submit funds to the Account.

Cash Button…

Credit Card Button…

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Thanks for the info, I managed to set this part up.

Back on this topic,I created an extra button to register payments via the bank.
I can see it when I select the general Customer Accounts. But I can’t see them in the customer tab?
Am I overlooking something, I mapped them all out and so. Checked the settings with the Cash and Credit Card example but Can’t find the differences.

Anyone an idea?


Make sure the Button Header is not blank in the Document Type.

When it is blank, you can use the document via Automation, but it will be hidden as a button.