BIG REQUEST for one report [SOLVED]

Dear @emre, I am using SLQ as our database, we defined two Venues, and we have 4 waiters, two for each Venue. Waiters salary is the Service charge (10%),

Could it be possible for you to preapare a report for us to see the total amount of service charge for each venue? this is important for us, since the 4 waiters do not get the same amount of money.

It is ok, for the soft that all the service charge goes to the same account, since we, as owners of the two places pay.



If you have a service charge for each waiter ( ie Service Charge - JS) and this is added to the tickets based on user login, then the work period report should list each service charge separately.

Also accounting system allows you to define multiple accounts for different service types. You need to create separate servicing calculations for each venue and map them to separate accounts.

I found something to look at…

Total Discounts line in all cases is SERVICE CHARGE, why?
could we cahnge names?


We don use that, becuase sometimes there is only one,sometimes two, and sturdays three… they all get the same amount of money…


Which one? Sorry I can’t remember all features immediately.

if you check the sum fo total discounts in each venue the result is exact amount of service charge…


THANKS @emre, I just noticed you changed the LEgend!!!


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