Calling a script in Entity Display Format?


No dont just type Luis

type clockIn(‘Luis’) and press Test

LOL please copy this exactly and put it in there.


We are playing internet tag lol

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:rofl: I’m sorry I just caught that

You need to edit the SQL part. The variable needs to be = “+name+” NOT =“name”

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So first you need to get it to return a value. THen try it in the field.

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I know it works though…

Ok I made the query into one line, but now I get a different error:

It could be Substring I am not sure.

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You cant spread a sting over lines like that as you realised.

Also from memory I dont think you can just return the value of an swl exc, like that as think its always an object or similar.
I had first on all mine I think even queries returning only one row.

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change r = sql.Query(qry) to r = sql.Query(qry).First;

You can also have a multiline query but you must concatenate fully terminated strings:

var q = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable " +
"WHERE X = Y " +
"AND A > B " +

Having the ‘name’ variable doesn’t work.

But when I hardcode in ‘Luis’, it works…

What am I doing wrong :sob:

You need to have ’ ’ within the code before and after the var name.

so that row should be

“and e.[Name] = '” + name + "’ " +

‘" and "’
before/after name is hard to tell but it is
’ " and " ’
but you can’t have spaces in between the quotes or it’ll mess up the code)


This worked! Thank you Jesse, JTRTech, Memo, and BCEats!

Just one more question, how do I make it so that it only calls the script ONLY for clocked-in employees (orange-box)? (eg. ENTITY STATE:TCStatus $1 === ‘PunchIn’)


$1<br/>[= '{ENTITY STATE:TCStatus}' === 'PunchIn' ? {CALL:clockInTimeNew.clockIn('$1') : ''}] doesn’t seem to work…

Nevermind! I just found this!

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It won’t know what entity your looking at, would need to specify entity with the $1 in a report type expression.

Well, it already seems to know which Entity to pull up :grinning:

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