Can database file be on other computer?

Is there a way to store Samba database file in a separate comuter. I dont want the file to be stored in the same PC with the program. Can i change the path to DB ?

Theoretically yes. What type of DB are you using?

Yeah definitely just put your computer name instead of localhost
For example, if the other computer is called “pos”
You type Data Source=pos\SAMBAPOS4…

Thank you. At the moment iam not sure which one it is. I just instal the program to make some tests. I found that DB file is in my document folder, i presume i use the single user variant at the moment. I just dont want to store information about transaction and reports on the same pc with the program.

Double click SambaPOS word in upper left after logging in to change to window mode… then look at the titlebar of window… it will say if it is running SQ or CE

To answer your question if your using CE and its a single file… you can store it on antoher computer just put that entire path in the localsettings

And that drive has to be shared on your network.

IF your using a SQ server you can link it to the server as they described above

Highly recommend using SQL vs CE

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Now it is CE but i can try it with SQ after some tests. Thank you again for the help.