Can´t find "Reopen Closed Ticket" after installing "More Ticket Actions"

I am new to SambaPOS, but experienced in programming. I really like SambaPOS so far.

After installing “More Ticket Actions” in Samba Market, I can’t seem to find de action I want to use. “Reopen closed Ticket”.
When adding a new rule, I click “Select Actions”, but the list isnt updated with the extra actions…
I have restarted SambaPOS after installing.
What am I missing?

I could post some screenshots to show the steps I made, but as a new user I am not allowed to upload pictures.

Edit: spelling

You need to create the action first, go to actions select new then in the drop down box search for the reopen closed ticket action. Once created and saved you will then see it when selecting actions from within a rule

All actions need to be created first before they can be added to a rule

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Of course! Thank you!