Capturing quantity from Numberpad

I’ve added some custom automation to handle multiple barcodes per item. I’m storing the additional barcodes as custom product tags and searching for the product using an SQL query. It’s working great, however it ignores the quantity entered via the numberpad.

If I use x to enter a quantity with the numberpad then scan a normal barcode, it uses the quantity before the x. However, with my custom automation, if I entered 2x then scanned a barcode, using the Numberpad Value Entered event [:NumberpadValue] just contains the barcode without the 2x.

Is there any way I can capture the quantity entered, or get the complete contents of the numberpad including the x quantity prefix?

I don’t want to turn off the quantity separators in program settings as it works fine for default barcodes unless there is no other way to handle this.

We’ll have [:NumberpadQuantity] on next update.