Conditionally Updating Order Prices

Remember this is for v5…

OMG. I must upgrade it ASAP. :slight_smile:

V5 has so many features it is totally worth the upgrade. Take a look at the v5 Tutorials section… amazing capabilities not available in previous versions. You can try it unrestricted for free for 500 tickets even.


Its in english LOL

You haven’t shown any of your setup but will hazard a guess your setting the locals price list tag using the update order action.
This action contains a portion field which if left blank reverts the product back to normal…
You need to tell it to update price list tag AND change portion although to the same portion using the {PORTION} tag which will read the current order portion.


ROFLMAO :smile: :laughing:



Sorry to be a pain but I cannot figure out how to do this, can anyone give me an example or point me in the sirection of which rule/command I would change?



Or if there is any way on constraining this to only certain categories or only products with a defined “delivery” price. Basically I want to utilise it on food only and not on drinks but it is proving difficult.

Using item tag and a report expression will allow you to calculate almost anything based on item by item conditions by something like report order details - sum of total where item tag = food.
I have a wet/dry divide for allocating split when transferring sales to our PMS in scripts which posts itemised charges described using product name but to wet or dry account code on PMS based on my product item tag of ‘PMS GL_Account’ where I enter the account code repetitive to PMS code for each product.

excuse me emre who is used “Show Message action” to debugg this tutorial ?

Thats a bit vaigue… are you sugesting the tutorial doesnt work?
What is your issue?