Configuration Tasks Help

There is no delivery
it was before

Wow that really does not help us understand anything about what you need help with.

Click “Update” to download tasks again…


Turn off your firewall and then click update. You need internet access. Or it may be because of language setting. Try English to see it. Click edit tasks and it should show up then edit the language portion of the task to show under your language.


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security wall closed
Internet access ok

Delivery NO???

Try what I just said above to change language. Those tasks are set by default to only show up for English.

It is probably because your using a different language and it is looking for specific rules etc that were originally in english. It would have the specific error in the log file.

Önceden vardı Yemeksepeti ile Geliyordu @emre beni daha iyi anlayacak.
Tayfun İle görüştüm dökümları bitir. Forumu takip et. O zaman Bayii başvuru daha kolay olacak dedi.

Şimdi Türkiyeden kaldırıldı ise sorun yok. Ama yemek sepeti Entegrasyonu için eğitim gerek.


I had the same problem, in another language the ticket type is named in another way, you have to change it manually the Setup Delivery Ticket Type

I believe Delivery configuration task is only available in English and Turkish. If you have created the sample database using another language, it won’t be compatible.

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@Jesse Hi, From where can i get time clock & add employees?