You cant sort it by Ticket Number and combine products sold in same report. So which do you want?
yes, that no makes sense, I could not sort by tickets,
already tried to fix the problem, but still the problem persists. looks
[Relatório de Vendas:2,3, 1, 2]
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.ItemGroup,O.MenuItemName,=N([O.Quantity]),=C([T.TotalAmount])}
I removed, that
In version 5 O.Quantity.Sum works but not in v4 so we need to find different syntax.
yes, I’m waiting for your solution syntax.
I trying what I have in mind
I think the only solution with v4 to get this report is to use SQL and call it via a script.
I agree with you is the only solution with v4
let me try some scripts
Hi. How to create item sales report in Custom report/
You wont be able to use color nor could you link the asterisks like that. It should be possible to create one for the Printer Totals though…but we may have to use SQL I am not sure if there is a Report Tag syntax for that.
@emre would it be too much trouble to add a Printer expression? Actually thinking about it… I am not sure how that would work… Might have to do some clever joins lol.
@emre ingilizce anlatamadım. Ürünleri grupa göre degil. Sipariş yapılan printerlere göre rapor almak olurmu?
@hadjieff You explained it ok. I had a feeling that is what you meant. But to do that we would need to use SQL or @emre would need to give us more Report Tag Syntax. But since most development is for v5 atm we may need to wait. Or we could design it via SQL my SQL skills are still developing so we might need help from more seasoned experts in SQL.