Custom Entity Screen extra spaces

Continuing the discussion from Custom Entity Screens what are the spaces on each side of it:

Am unable to continue discussion in the same topic page.
Anyway, where do I change values to reduce the spaces on either side in the Custom Entity screen

What I have right now…

What I want…

Or atleast have the ticket lister widget & button move to the left edge of the screen.
How do I do that?

Grab the bottom right corner of a widget and stretch it as far down and to the right as you can, even if it goes off-screen.

There are other ways to accomplish this as well. For example:

  • Add button widget (Automation command or Entity).
  • Right-click the widget and select Properties.
  • Set the width to a large value, for example 1000
  • Grab and move your other widgets around to where you want them placed.
  • Delete the button widget.

Another way:

  • Add button widget (Automation command or Entity).
  • Grab the button and move it to right as far as possible.
  • Grab and move your other widgets around to where you want them placed.
  • Delete the button widget.

Thank you. I did a combo of the above to get things setup :smiley:

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