Custom Reports Module Strange Behavior

OK nevermind. We don’t encounter this since entity screens resets ticket type to assigned ticket types but your ticket creation method is not “Select Entity” so it just skips that .While closing a ticket I’ll check the ticket creation method and if set to “Create Ticket” I’ll reset active ticket type to departments default ticket type.


We can stop investigating if you wish… I have fixed the issue and my system runs how I need it too by simply disabling non tax from showing on kitchen screen and not allowing it to reopen without cancel payment…

However: It seems set active ticket type is not working on ticket closed. If I reopen a Non Tax Ticket but do not cancel payment and then close ticket… The next ticket created is stuck at Non Tax Ticket Type unless I log out and log back in.

Ah ok now it makes sense. Yeah I do not use tables in my restaurant its quick service so I do not need entity selected by default.

If I send you a setup can you test it if my solution fixes it or not?

Yep I can. will be glad too. Anyone reading this… This right here is what makes SambaPOS a powerhouse. If I ran into this sort of problem with any other POS even the higher end Paid services… they would have simply told me its not designed to work that way.

But in reality I would never have had this issue because I would have been stuck with their vision of how it should run instead of mine.

+1 for SambaPOS

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lol it does not permit me to upload here more than 10MB… I’ll upload it to somewhere else and come back soon.

You can email me it if you wish. Whatever is more convenient.

It should also fix reporting issue. Thank you very much for checking that.

Got it installing now Ill let you know in few minutes

EDIT: It works! thank you.

EDIT: Custom Report works too.

OK Thank you. I’ll test it some more to ensure it works fine. Let me know if you notice something.

Putting it through its paces right now. Running every kind of transaction… refunding… trying stuff that I shouldnt lol. I will let you know.

The only request I have now… is fixing the Automated Command Button in the Ticket Lister widget to work with Display Ticket 0 so it takes it back to ticket screen :stuck_out_tongue:

It is not working if the automated command is coming from within the widget… it works fine if I just make another button and put it beside the widget.

I wanted it to look more cohesive so it would be nice if we could get it to work from within the widget.

EDIT: I have ran every transaction… refunded them all. Opened reopened… cancelled… all running good so far.

EDIT: Did find one small issue the Refund Transaction report is not showing ticket #… it could be something on my end.

Strange I checked the database to make sure its assigning the ticket# and it is. It is also still in the same Column.

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