Customer Display refresh

I am working on a Customer Display. Everything is working but everytime i add a product the screen refreshes. I find this really annoying, does someone have a solution for this?

Unfortunately this is the way it works currently - each change you make will refresh the page.

A better way to do it and to avoid the refresh would be to create a new customer display setup using graphql. Right now we don’t have any tutorial or anything for that and it would be a lot of work, but definitely it is possible to create. Essentially you would run the customer display on a browser separate from SambaPOS and have some html page stored on the system that would then link and communicate changes from SambaPOS via the graphql api.

Hey Mark,
Thank you verry much for your reply!

If i understand it right i need to use graphql to link the html page and sambapos. I suppose i can do that with a script.

You would code a website that uses graph to pull data required