Customer will not load

Hi @emre did you figure out if there was a solution to this?

@emre ive also tried adding close and logout actions to the gift rule, so if all items on the ticket are gifted the ticket closes and logs out, this also gives the screen switch issue

This is with and without any entities being added so it isnt just an entity added issue

Hey RickH how did you get
AT_TicketType Name - Sale - Staff Discount

Enable Auto Receipt - Staff Discount

Refresh Ticket

The Ticket Type is probably an action to change the Ticket Type.
The Auto Receipt is part of the Auto Print system I shared here:

He modified it for his setup.

BTW i did a quick search on forum and found

Maybe that can help you. If you get enough knowledge of the various methods you can maybe make one to fit your needs.

BTW Refresh ticket is just a Display Ticket action with 0 for Ticket Id. This is useful for some functions that need a ticket refresh to show. Not everything needs a ticket refresh.

@Jesse is correct i modified some previous help i had to suit how i want my setup, as per the other post ill try and create a full tutorial soon and post for you