Excel file to sambapos

Search the 'net to find tools to convert CSV to YAML.

Or use Excel to read the CSV data and use this formula in a Cell:

=CONCATENATE("- Name: ", A2, CHAR(10), "  GroupCode: ", "Imported", CHAR(10), "  Barcode: ", C2, CHAR(10), "  Portions: ", CHAR(10), "  - Name: Normal", CHAR(10), "    Price: ", G2)

That produces YAML formatted data from your CSV file. Copy the formula to every row.

:warning: You will probably want to clean up your CSV data file. There are duplicate Products, and some without names and/or prices.

Copy all the formatted data and paste it into Word or Wordpad or Notepad++. (Windows Notepad will not work due to a “quote” issue!)

Copy the data from the above text editor (i.e. Wordpad), and paste it into SambaPOS Batch Create Products tool.

This is the result: