Search the 'net to find tools to convert CSV to YAML.
Or use Excel to read the CSV data and use this formula in a Cell:
=CONCATENATE("- Name: ", A2, CHAR(10), " GroupCode: ", "Imported", CHAR(10), " Barcode: ", C2, CHAR(10), " Portions: ", CHAR(10), " - Name: Normal", CHAR(10), " Price: ", G2)
That produces YAML formatted data from your CSV file. Copy the formula to every row.
You will probably want to clean up your CSV data file. There are duplicate Products, and some without names and/or prices.
Copy all the formatted data and paste it into Word or Wordpad or Notepad++. (Windows Notepad will not work due to a “quote” issue!)
Copy the data from the above text editor (i.e. Wordpad), and paste it into SambaPOS Batch Create Products
This is the result: