Export menu items to excel

You can use Reports > Data Export feature. Create a new Data Export as follows:

"Product","Portion","Group Code","Price"
        product.[GroupCode] AS [Group],
        product.[Name] AS [Product],
        portion.[Name] AS [Portion],
        price.[Price] AS [Price]
    FROM [MenuItems] product 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPortions] portion 
    ON product.[Id] = portion.[MenuItemId] 
    LEFT JOIN [MenuItemPrices] price
    ON price.[MenuItemPortionId] = portion.[Id]
    ORDER BY product.[GroupCode]

We have to use an SQL report in order to get all the data for each product on a single line.

NOTE: To make sure it prompts you to save it as a CSV file instead of a TXT file, you can specify the default save location with *.csv as the filename. When you run the report, the file dialog will appear and prompt you for the name of the CSV file to save to.

You have to provide a path for the filename if you want to use *.csv, so for example to set to the default SambaPOS5 folder in Documents:


(replace <yourname> with the user’s folder name)

You can of course just set an exact filename then it will save automatically, and you can use printer template tags like {DATE:X} to automatically generate a custom filename with the date/time.

More details about saving with file dialog using custom file type: