No it’s not true elsewhere.
thats a shame, would be great is script had this ticket object available for current open ticket.
If your accessing a currently open ticket then yes you can access it without loading it but it all depends on when you are accessing it and what process is injecting the script.
Interesting, never seen that before. Is it like a global var? Above shows it as an input variable? So what needs to go in the call?
So he is confusing two different tutorials from two different use cases. The tutorial he referenced that showed the Ticket Object was the Credit Card Payment integration module tutorial. THe one he is wanting to actually use is a script invoked from a Payment Processor attached to a payment type. Those are two different scenarios. IF you use the Payment Processor and you use Execute Script then it is exposing the ticket already. The key is its not a Automation/Scripts script its specifically from Execute Script payment processor type.
Understood, shame, that would make scripts even more useful as wouldnt have to feed in so many variables all the time.