Hidden in Menu Category does not work

I tried creating a hidden category button in menu, but it does not work.

Anyone else?

Fairly sure this feature does work. Can you explain more with screenshots showing what is not working?

It tried it. The Category remains visible, even with non-Admin Login. Not sure of the purpose of a Hidden Category in the first place.

It was designed for Rickh he uses it a lot in his setup I remember it worked in a specific manner.

Maybe the Category needs to be Empty? Still don’t see the point LOL …

Funny part, hidden products in a category work. But not the category itself :smiley:

I figured I could use it to drop products in it that I don’t want to appear on a menu but COULD be sold if searched manually by description. Lets say you have a shop and a bar together, you sit on a table and get orders and then want something from the shop … the menu only shows you stuff for the bar but in the hidden category you could manually find products from shop. At least that was my plan.


I don’t think it was meant to hide category. Rickh used it to make empty spaces on the menu lol

Yea its designed to be able to make “spacers” so you can arrange product buttons anywhere on the screen

Oh, okay… BUT! Is it supposed to still appear? I can still see it, with category name written, color, just like any other normal category button, something tells me that’s not how its supposed to be?

That must be a bug, hidden products hide (except in fast menu thats still a bug that doesnt work)

Not tried hiding an actual menu category, but from the screenshot you posted that is a bug too and it doesnt actually hide the category

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Hiding products does work, I tested it. Just the category does not.

That is what Rick mean. It suppose to show categories so he can put specific button at specific place.

Im guessing when emre enabled that feature for products it wasnt enabled correctly when your in a fast menu or for categories

I can see what youre trying to do and it would work of the hidden feature was correctly enabled as it is for products within a menu

@emre something that could be fixed when you have time, the hidden option doesnt work on products when they are in a fast menu

Also the hidden feature doesnt work to hide categories when that option is selected