Hide Other Warehouses From End Of Day Screen

I know there is a way to hide warehouses from the warehouses screen that is by ticking the “hidden” check mark when creating a warehouse type.

Is there a way to hide warehouses from the Inventory End Of Day Screen? I have created my suppliers using Qs method of creating supplier as an entity then create a supplier warehouse and that works perfect for me. The issue now is the EOD screen is now cluttered that it takes me time to pick a warehouse that I want to put in physical stock. I want to hide the warehouses that I have ‘Xed’ and leave the ones I have ticked. I need these warehouses for some functions, I just don’t want them to appear on the End Of Day Record screen


EOD should be for adjusting stock. For receiving inventory use the Inventory Navigation Screen.

I don’t believe there’s any way to hide tabs for that control in management.

When it comes to management functions I feel all information should be available.

I know that this is for stock adjustment which is why I want to hide warehouses that have nothing to do with physical stock take. I want to hide suppliers warehouses that I have created following this tutorial Adding Suppliers Account to the System . I have so many suppliers so I just want to find out if there is a way to hide supplier warehouses from the EOD screen, the same way I can hide a warehouse from the WAREHOUSES screen from the main menu.

So my goal is not to hide every warehouse, I want to hide supplier warehouses only because there is no need for them to appear there, especially when one has got so many suppliers.

I’ve not seen any setting to exclude a warehouse from showing in that part of maintenance. I don’t think it’s possible.

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