How can i fix Due Date on ticket template

My customer account ticket template has a due date of 2nd of every month and this is what i have on my template 02/[=TN('{DATE:MM}')+1]/{DATE:yyyy}. it shows the due date on the receipt but the problem comes when the current month is December then it displays 02/13/2023 instead of 02/01/2024…
how can i fix this so it shows the correct way every time, or is there a better way

You’ll want to add a month to the whole DateTime like this: [=FD(ADM('{DATE}', 1), 'MM/dd/yyyy')]

however the format isn’t respected so instead of / as the separator, - is returned


thank you so much , saw this when i was searching right now Addition and subtraction with dates
so im busy learning and see how to implement changes to my templates