Hi Emre,
I am trying to add credit card over payment as tip. i.e. Bill is 20, customer pays 25 on credit card, tip is 5. This should automatically be added as a tip if the user enters the full amount and hits ‘Credit Card’ on the payment screen. Much like cash payment becomes ‘change due’ except it would show as ‘Tip Amount’ and ‘Change Due’ would be 0.
This would avoid mistakes when the waiter would have to normally calculate the tip themselves and enter it. Often the waiter would go to a table and the customer would just say, make the total 25 (on credit card).
I tried to follow the guide given here but this seems to be for an older version.
In South Africa this is how almost all restuarants work. The waiter keeps their cash tips and credit card tips get deducted from their cash takings (or the restuarant’s own cash if the waiter had none) and paid to them at the end of their shift.
UPDATE: Never mind. I found the answer here!