How to cancel payment only withe specific payment types

Hi sir,

Is there a way to cancel payments only with specific payment type like chanrge customer account

Look for the Payment in: Manage > Accounts > Transactions.

Find the payment and either delete the Transaction (Delete Line) from the Document and save the Document, or delete the entire Document.

Is there a way to use automation command on ticket line to cancel customer account payment type . For example i made payments in cash, and another in customer account. And want to cancel on customer account.

Thank you

Look at the Cancel Ticket Payments action. Be sure the More Ticket Actions module is installed first.

No. There is no Action that supports this. The Action for Cancel Payments does not provide for a way to selectively cancel different payment types. It cancels all of them at once.

The only way to accomplish selective cancellation is by looking through the Transactions as I’ve already stated.

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I already tried cancel ticket action. And it will cancel all payments.

What i am trying to solve is how to cancel pament with specific payment type like customer account but not another payment made like cash

Ok sorry I read it too quick. Like Q said there is not a way with automation.