How to make .resx language file a .dll file

Please someone can explain this who explain something to child?
I got crazy about it i have tried all kind of things and search on internet i didnt understand anything that .resx file which is giving by transfilex, how to make a .resx file a .dll file
Can anyone help me about this subject please?

Thank you

This is not something you’re expected to do. resx files should be compiled to a dll by me however V4 does not have support for multi languages.

emre i need russian translate v4 or v3, v3 version is already open source, doesnt matter which version, there is a file already in v4 ru-RU and inside of it there is .resx file which is “ruscaru_RU.resx” and i have checked that the translation is in that file almost without mistake but the translation in russian which is already there is in v3 there are lots of mistake so i want to change them and compiled again or i can send you the file you compiled and send me if you can

or i can ask a different question like that when we download translation from transfilex for v3 how can we compiled it?

thank you

This is not something released by me… I don’t know where that file coming from.

You can’t partly compile a single file. You need to include resx in project and compile everything with visual studio.

To do what you want there might be external tools or ways I’m not aware of. Searching internet might give a better idea. btw we have a topic that explains how to use V3 resource dll’s for V4.

Sorry I don’t have these source code installed on my system anymore. I only update V5 atm.


I have file resx. Emre, i have send You? I can’t make dll?

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