How to programme fobs to a person so when scanned a discount is applied?

I am looking to programme many fobs to individual members so when it is scanned a discount is applied how would I go about this safely, if not this then the same sytem but a barcode instead for a fob.

FOBS are much easier to work with, last longer, and you can buy them pre-programmed on the Net with 5-10 digits either random or sequenced. Asking for FOBS to be pre-programmed in your required sequence adds a little to the cost.

FOB readers can also be purchased quite cheap in fact cheaper than a bar code reader that has a much lower reliable read! I had my readers sensitivity increased for my FOBS (Key Tags) so Members can swipe themselves onto a Ticket.

All you need to work this into Samba is:

  1. Custom Field on Customer to contain the FOB Number;
  2. Automation to Save to FOB Number 1st Time (or re record) - UPDATE ENTITY ACTION.
  3. Automation to Detect a FOB Read during normal POS operations - NUMBER PAD VALUE ENTERED EVENT.

Use your search I have written plenty about this subject.

Oh you also need to read the Tutorials posted on VIP Discounts as well :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it is way past midnight, and I just finished a long week job so cannot stick around.
Good Luck.

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You need 1 Action and 1 Rule to get the Entity to load.

Name: Load Customer
Action Type: Change Ticket Entity
Can Create Ticket: True
Entity Type Name: You need to put your entity type here
Entity Search Value: [:Customer Number]

Then you need a Rule:

Name: Load Customer
Event Name: Numberpad Value Entered
Execute Rule If: MATCHES

Numberpad Value GREATER 10000000 (youll need to change this to a number smaller than your lowest card number)
Numberpad Value LESS 9999999999999999999999 (again this’ll need to be a number lager than your largest card number)


Load Customer:
Customer Number: [:NumberpadValue]


Refresh Ticket:

Youll need to create this action, pretty simple… :slight_smile:

In the Entity, make sure you add Customer Number as a custom field, this is where you will put the keyfob number. (when you create a new customer, you just scan the fob after selecting the Customer Number field)

Then after that youll need to implement a VIP system, one I created today will be perfect for this.


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Heres mu tutorial