How to set up Merge Tickets button in unpaid ticket list?

Hi, I’m the sambapos newbie, just wondering How to create a Merge Tickets button in unpaid ticket list? and how to set up the action and rule etc.?

Merge Tickets is a built in feature on SambaPOS.

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But why my merge ticket button is disable? have you got any idea?

Are the tickets Locked? Did you print bill on them already?

I have never gotten this to work, but I would like to be able to do the same.

The last quote was from @emre where he indicated that executing commands from the Ticket List screen was not possible, but that it would be in the next version/update, but that was a long time ago …

These Tickets are not Locked, no Bill has been requested, and they have a Ticket Status State of Unpaid …

You can’t merge tickets that have different entities. So commands will work when list displayed by setting an entity name.


Of course, that makes complete sense!

So the short answer to this then is: it cannot be done in the manner we are looking for. Too bad I guess.

For those that are still lost, this is what must be done to enable the button:

how can i check it is locked or not? i just click the send order button to close the ticket, is it make the ticket locked?

Send order is not a default button so depends on how you has customised that.
I beleive it says locked at the top of the order screen…

It’s not an issue of whether it is locked or not.

The Action for Display Ticket List, while it allows for displaying all Ticket of a certain State (ie. Unpaid) will only allow commands on Tickets if you specify the Entity, which in this case defeats the purpose of using the the Ticket List in the first place.

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