How to show GloriaFood scheduled order time on tickets?

Here is the syntax I used and I used a Update Ticket Tag action on a Ticket Closing rule to add a ticket tag and then used that tag in a printer template.

Here is what I put for ticket tag.

[=FD(ADS('{TICKET DATE:HH:mm}',+{TICKET TAG:Pickup Minutes}*60),'hh:mm tt')]

I am using latest verison 5.3 and latest gloriafood integration file.

This works as I use it daily at my restaurant.

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Thank you jesse Using 5.2.29 i tried this but this giving out put of minutes in total , as i need date and time format , example if a pre order come to pick up later , its showing like 540 minutes , a chef need a calculator to calculate what time he need to prepare food.
So my request is should print like Pickup : 02/05/2020 7:30 PM
Thank you in advance

Updated to 5.3 , Map working in Delivery screen , but the time still showing total minutes to pick using above recommendation.

It shows in time for me. Maybe your system has decimals different?

Hello Jesse,
Thanks for following up,
I have the same issue as gsreddy,

if helps my formatting for amounts is $ 1,000.00

not sure if this helps in understanding the problem.

It could be regional settings affecting it too.

If you notice the formatting on the end of the expression is set to show it as hour:minute am/pm. So it would look like 5:45 PM for example.

If my expression is not working for you then I’m not sure what’s going on with your system that exact expression works well and I pulled it from my live system.

Thank you , before I buy Gloria compitable printer I definitely try region settings , may I know what regional settings you have. As I tried to change the formats , still same output .

Hello @gsreddy,

I applied Jesse’s expression to my system and tested on my GloriaFood Order, it didn’t work at the beginning for me either. Then I noticed that the apostrophe of the syntax has been changed automatically when I pasted it into my template.
It looks like the issue is caused by taking apostrophe of the syntax as; ’ instead of '

If you put below expression into your template then it will be displayed as in the attached image;

[=FD(ADS('{TICKET DATE:HH:mm}',+{TICKET TAG:Pickup Minutes}*60),'hh:mm tt')]


@Nizam Thank you for your time , but this is not what am looking at. I need Date of pickup if its for tomarrow than tomarrows date (future order) and time of pick up ( Pickup later or particular time )Ex: 8:30 PM . I can see minutes to pickup in my system too.

@Nizam Thank you so much, the fact that the espression should have been added to the printing template!

Thank you so much again for helping!

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@gsreddy Adding this helped me:
[=FD(ADS(’{TICKET DATE:HH:mm}’,+{TICKET TAG:Pickup Minutes}*60),‘dd:mm:yy hh:mm tt’)]
Just added dd:mm:yy in front of the time formatting!

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Thank you , Is this works if its for future date? as i can only see time now have you tried ?

Thank you it worked , But future date not shwing , i tried next day but only time printing

To show actual date you will need to rework the expression. This was made to show hour and minutes not for future days like reservation.

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Thank you, looking for that to happens!
And finally it worked when added in printer template
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-04 at 12.03.02 PM|690x961

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this works fine thanks

Using this I able to print time on my kitchen ticked. how i cot another problem for late order next day also shows time only how can i bring the date on the kitchen print

Creating an Action
Action Name: GloriaFood Pickup Time Tag Action
Action Type: Update Ticket Tag
Tag Name: Pickup Minutes
Tag Value: [:Pickup Minutes]

Create a Rule
Rule Name: GloriaFood Pickup Time Tag Rule
Event Name: Ticket Created
Select Action: GloriaFood Pickup Time Tag Action
Pickup Minutes: [=FD(ADS(’{TICKET DATE:HH:mm}’,+{TICKET TAG:Pickup Minutes}*60),‘hh:mm tt’)]

Then in the Printer Template I added the following: {TICKET TAG:Pickup Minutes}

I need to show the date also it is possible

Just change the formatting part to show days, month and year.