How to void a ticket after close

Some times the client pay in full and print invoice… But after say a error in print or something . My question is how to void all transaction (products or payments) to recreate or modify a ticket… I remember in v4 have extra options on tickets like open a closed ticket but in v5 unknow how…

V5 has the same as in V4, its a module you need to install.


ok i review and configure just one station and i a server station but … not show any button when display the ticket, in v4 the ticket if are finished show a couple button of cancel ticcket or reopen close ticcket… unknow my problem because install and reinstall the option in sambamarket. of course the period is open.

Installing the module DOES NOT automatically create the buttons, it adds the extra actions to the list in automation.
You need to create the button, action and rule.

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