I could we print on check a tip guide

i could we print on check multiple tip guide

total 100.00
tax 6.00
total 106.00

suggested tip

15% 15.00
20% 20.00
25% 25.00

Thank you

Something like this works …

<L00>Suggested Amounts:
<J00>15%:|[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)]
<J00>20%:|[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.20)]
<J00>25%:|[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.25)]

great thank you
that works great

now can I have

check total 100

tip 15% 15 total 115
tip 20% 20 total 120

Tha nk you