Ideas for Combo Setup

Yes that’s on purpose I wanted payments to align together separate from Change and Total as a way to stand out without using Bars etc. Not sure if I like it or not yet but I also have some size formatting that you cant see that makes it look different.

The ORDER #22 TO GO tag at top is going to be really big and bold on actual ticket.

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Maybe you can add bullets.

The reason I am redoing it… I am designing the Combos and how they look on it. That has proven to be kind of difficult. I am reverting to something more basic for it.


after much much work… i found this one nice for the delivery customers…



@emre I cam having issues getting the Total price to show in the Header of the Update Order Group action. I am not sure how to configure that. I see in your screenshots you did it though.

EDIT: Nevermind I think I got it. I did not have a State Format.

EDIT: Ok I give up lol @emre I still cant get it to work. What am I missing? Its just showing the Group Name twice… not showing the price.

On a positive note I have worked out my ticket template for the combos.

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Ok @emre I have racked my brain so much over this. Maybe I missed something or maybe this was a feature not implemented yet?

You showed the combos total price in the header of the Update Order Group action. You showed using a second price format separated with a :. I can not get this to work. I have scoured the forum to make sure I didnt miss something.

What am I missing here? Is this an unreleased feature?

This is pretty much the last thing I need to complete my Combo setup. Printer template was easier than I thought and it looks great. I even implemented a resetting Order No setup that resets to 1 on WP end. It also is not affected by other terminals…was kinda proud of that.

@emre I have expanded on the concept and it has me thinking… this could be an alternative method…

Here is what I did and you can probably figure out what I meant by possible alternative method aka freestyle combo building.

I have not built one part of it yet but basically I will allow item substitution for specific items. I have the automation built and working to allow the new item and to automatically format it. Example:

What I still need to finish is add in the promotion order states for new item and allow the removal of the item it is replacing. This is simple I just havnt done it yet. But here is a gist of how I accomplished this. We maybe could build on this for other peoples needs with custom combo setups.

Added a new Ticket State for Combo and set it as Active when Combo added to ticket…
Also stored the command value into a setting:

Added the group formatting to new order then reset Combo State to inactive.

To do list to complete my setup:

  1. Add the constraints so only items designated as Combo Item Tag can be added to the combo.
  2. Design automation to remove the original item the new item is replacing and restricting it to only specific types of items in the combo like drinks or fries/onion rings etc.

I am not asking for help but wanted to show you some stuff I am working on to expand this idea.

I cant help but think… what if we had the ability to read an Order Selected event to read Order Promotion state that could then execute a menu change allowing selection of other items that could trigger more automation that removes the item and adds the new item… This would allow replacing an item by simply selecting it and selecting the new item without having to use Order Tags or portions…

Just brainstorming here.

Ideally my goal is to allow combos that have specific items that can be changed. Preferably without using Portions or Order tags… I would like to swap entire item.

@emre ok check this flow out… I am quite proud of this…

@QMcKay any idea why this is not working? I dont use action constraints much but I thought || worked as an OR

It does work as OR, and your syntax (using the single quotes and such) is correct, so I assume it is doing as it is told.

What is {PRODUCT TAG} producing for you? It is a “newer” tag that supercedes {ITEM TAG} but it should still work fine.

Are you sure your logic is correct though? Are you sure you don’t want &&? Negative (!=) matching with OR is not that intuitive.

I went a different route… it flat out doesnt work… whats even more strange is custom constraints are doing the same behavior. Check out that video…

Edit sorry was different post.

LOL wow I have gotten myself into a nice brain teaser… I have everything pretty much done… except one issue. I can now change sides or drinks from the combo and it even restricts the waiter from adding other items until that combo item is changed out correctly. The snag I have now is if I add 2 combos… how to attach the correct Key to the combo I am changing the item from … hmmm

You would have it at the order is canceled right?
And your storing the if it’s a combo drink or combo side aren’t you?
So do you not do similar in a setting value?
Or are you saying we don’t have a tag/expression to call for the group key at the point of order canceled?

I got it working it was simple after @QMcKay helped with some jscript to extract the key out of GROUP TAG

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@emre portions is refreshing the Group Price Sum in header correctly now thank you for that, however now adding an order with only a single portion is not refreshing it. Example below:

Again clearly its working… its just not refreshing.

Ok here is an update on my flow… several things to note…

  1. The change Drink button and Change Side buttons only show up if their order type is selected. Example Change Side button only shows up if a side is selected and Change Drink button only shows if a Drink is selected.

  2. This setup lets you swap out designated menu items in the combo and lets you change portions and adjusts price accordingly.

  3. The prices are all promotion prices so a large Diet Coke that is part of a combo costs less than a Large Diet Coke that is not part of a combo.

Anyway I am 95% done… few formatting things to iron out like the actual header name… Combo 1 is a place holder also I want to tweak some of the looks of portions on screen etc.

I am not quite ready to share the configuration yet but I will soon hopefully.

EDIT: Forgot to mention also if you are in middle of a change of an item it will not let you select anything other than the type of item you are swapping… it will warn you. Here is an example of that:


Can you please show me a quick tutorial on your actions and rules and printer template. I kinda think I wanna try to use this as a temporary solution until emre figures something out for my order tag issue.

Now that im seeing your printout I dont see why I cant just use this to resolve all my issues.

Emre didnt show his actions for his rules. Can you guys please help me out a little? Im actually really excited to see if I can actually make this work.

Yes I will do a full tutorial and configuration task.