Inline report Expressions

I could have swarn inline report expressions was posible with $1 type setup.
Can anyone see what Im missing;

@{REPORT CALCULATION DETAILS:T.Id:(CT=Eat out to Help Out #3401):,}
[Eat Out to Help Out Summary:2,1,1,2,2]
>Date|Ticket No|Covers|Applicable Total|Discount Total
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,T.TicketNumber,TT.Covers:T.Id==$1}|{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.Total.sum:T.Id==$1 AND (MT.EOHO Discount=Y)}|{REPORT CALCULATION DETAILS:C.Amount:T.Id==$1 AND (CT=Eat out to Help Out #3401)}

Individual expressions work on their own lines…

Try enclosing the first report in square brackets with an equals.

Other option is to have some character(s) begin the line before the first report.

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[={REPORT}] seems to drop out the $1 value rather than the 3 columns within report.
However a space before first report seems to have done the trick :slight_smile: :+1:

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I remember checking to see if the [=...] worked for the proper number of columns, but I did not check the values to see if they were correct. Good to know!

@Jesse Would you know if this is by design or a bug to have only the first report show when multiple reports are on the same line? Having a character before the first report seems to be a work-a-round.

Also this may not be limited to just REPORTS. I remember when I was developing a random name picker, I was using 2 ({RANDOM:1:012}{RANDOM:1:0123456789}) in an expression. It was only returning 1 digit. When I used a character in front of the first {RANDOM}, things worked as perfectly.

The parser is not really designed for that but sometimes it works. It really depends. It doesn’t mean it’s a bug. The parser works as intended. But to nest multiple reports like that we may not get our intended output.

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Good to know. Thanks for the info!