Having this same issue, the “ACM Execute Auto Print for Cash” action is already in a payment processed rule.
I had this similar problem where it didnt print when change is due and also didnt reflect any change on the receipt, so my work around to make it work i had to change my Ticket template where change due is
Change Due:|{CHANGE TOTAL}
Change Due:| [=F(TN(‘{TENDERED TOTAL}’)-TN(‘{TICKET TOTAL}’))]
and then go to the automation under rules and add this new rule
under Select Action add your print job action
then it will start printing and also with change total visible on the receipt
@Lloyd_Tailor, thank you for this solution. I am currently using the ticket tag method.
Then I add this line to the template:
Change Due|{TICKET TAG: CHG}
I will test your method to see how it work with multiple currency. Thank you
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