Issue with {ACCOUNT BALANCE:xxxxx} in Printer Template Not Updating for Payment Processed Print

Another account related issue/bug.
Have my voucher system setup and seems to be working well except this niggle.

Voucher for £20 (already used £6.50) and balance remaining of £13.50
Ticket total £6.50
Tender £5.00 to voucher, --> print shows £5 voucher payment but {ACCOUNT DEBIT TOTAL:xx} and {ACCOUNT BALANCE:xxx} are not updating on this ‘part payment’ print.
Tender the remaining £1.50 to voucher --> print shows the correct {ACCOUNT based tag values.
Picture below to illustrate.

If it was because the tag was reading the values before they had been updated I could understand however they read correct figures on the final payment… just not the part payment…

This seems to be by my understand because account transactions are not created untill payment screen/ticket closing.
Which makes seance as they can be canceled…