Kitchen Printing format and

when waiter taking order from customer
Category : Drinks
Ice lemon tea
Category : Fast food
Egg Rice
Category : Drinks
Line soda
Category : Fast food
Customer not ordering one category at time. waiter also taking the same format. after submit the ticked to kitchen i need to print in one category in order

Current Kitchen Print format

  • Ice lemon tea
    -Egg Rice
    -Line soda

I need New Kitchen Print format

  • Ice lemon tea
    -Line soda
    -Egg Rice

also i user my thermal printer printing bigger . epson dot matrix still printing small size same as

I presume the dot and dash formatting is forum rather than purposeful?
Default will sort similar to on screen.
If you want to fix sorting you can but need to change template. Search forum for sorting in template.

Also size can be changed with the numbers on the line formatting if using epos printer mode.

yes the size changing working on thermal Printer Not working on Epson dot matrix printer

Are, you said fine on thermal, missed dot matrix.
Check documentation, typically I think dot matrix you need to use a size command like the bold EB and DB for enable and disable. You set the size going forward a bit like caps lock rather than a per line thing.
This code would be specific to the printer model.

Table:{ENTITY NAME:Table} {ENTITY NAME:Take Away}
No:{TICKET NO} PAX:{TICKET TAG:Person Count} -------------> Like this ?
Cust:{ENTITY NAME:Customer}
{TICKET TAG:Kitchen Starter}

{QUANTITY} {NAME} -----------> Like this ?
– Format for order tags

That was an example of the bold command.
The command the change size will be more like a kick code and specific to the make and model of printer.
Also it would be a persistent change so you would need a chand up size and then a change down size command.

I am guessing you use order tags and you should probably sort the groups on how you want them to show up?

just i need to short the group products only.

still not printing on my dot matrix printer