Lower User Roles not allowed to create higher Role

But user roll is same screen as creating/editing user so that wouldnt work for that senario…

Ok… I thought of a solution, not sure how @emre feels about this?

Add User Action where you can pre determine the role.

A rule with AMC and action [?User Name] and the role already pre selected in the action in my case it would be ‘Employee’.


You could just use SQL to create users.

You could… if u know how :stuck_out_tongue:

Would that be a case of just dumping info into a table?

Found this

I’ll look into that tomorrow

I just need to know how to make a pop up to allow me to set the user name… and pin

Creating users via SQL is super simple. I mean only 3 fields you need to create. PinCode, Name, UserRole_id Just find the role id that matches the role you want for the user and then insert that with the new user.

I can see how it’s done using sql with the post above. But how do I make it set the name and pin with a field?


INSERT INTO [Users] ([PinCode], [Name], [UserRole_Id]) VALUES (000000, 'A Name', 4)

Obviously if I set these to

INSERT INTO [Users] ([PinCode], [Name], [UserRole_Id]) VALUES ([?Pin], '[?UserName]', 4)

That’s not gonna work right?

No you would use a {CALL:X} tag to call your SQL function and feed the variables into the script from that… Or just use the SQL Helper tags directly.

So before I just got busy, I was playing with Update Program Setting.

Am I on the right path here?

You should be able to pass parameters directly into the script. I have done many times but only with the SQL within the JScript not directly into the SQL using handlers. However not tried [?prompt] inside a {CALL:X}…

However have a slight concern in that username and pin must be unique… @Jesse will the insert just not happen if there are duplicate values? Is the uniqueness a column parameter?

yes they need to be unique so you would need to check that first

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So I would personally look to do a JScript which will be more manageable to do a couple of selects to check user and pin are not already used and then to the insert if all is ok.

SQL in script is fairly simple…
Here is a sample for getting a program setting;

function getValue(settingName) {
  var qry = "SELECT [Value] FROM [ProgramSettingValues] WHERE [Name]='"+settingName+"'";
  var r = sql.Query(qry).First;
  return r;

the query is a string and then the ++ wrap the variables you want to put inline.

This update program setting maybe shows more into how you might do the unique user/pin verification;

function updateValue(settingName,settingValue) {
	var qry = "SELECT count([Name]) as CT FROM [ProgramSettingValues] WHERE [Name]='"+settingName+"'";				//--check if the ProgramSetting EXISTS
	var r = sql.Query(qry).First;
	if (r==0) 
		qry = "INSERT INTO [ProgramSettingValues] ([Name], [Value]) VALUES ('"+settingName+"','"+settingValue+"')";	//--if ProgramSetting does NOT exist, insert a row
		} else {
		qry = "UPDATE [ProgramSettingValues] SET [Value]='"+settingValue+"' WHERE [Name]='"+settingName+"'";		//--if ProgramSetting DOES exist, update the value

I lost you at ‘fairly simple…’ lol

Joking, ill read into this when home cos I think thisll take me a while to get my head around it.


fairly simple in that your just inserting your variables into the sql query in its string format so is fairly visual…

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So I’m reading the script, and I have absolutely no idea where I’m to start? I can understand the script in areas and see what its meant to do, but I cant even think of what to do with it?

Changed from V5 Request to V5 Question

You declare your query as a string ie ‘qry’ in sample.
Where you want to use a variable in the query you end the string put a + then your variable then another + and reopen the string.
Then you execure the query with sql.ExecSql(qry) where qry is the variable for the string.