Lower User Roles not allowed to create higher Role

someones fishing for 2 million likes lol

Dude, I super super appreciate this. It needs to be made into a tutorial because I’m sure I’m not going to be the only person who needed to stop people creating higher roles!

Much love for this, I cant thank ALL of you enough for your help here.

Not convinced thats 100% the case, while it might not create duplicate it wouldnt return a an error message like making your own verification @GreatShakesBar think it might be worth double checking and maybe adding validation and message to match…

I meant it won’t crash it. You will need to create a message flow to tell you it failed.


Ah but then thatll already happen with the Add User bit no?

So like 2 birds with 1 stone

Not 100%, the two are independent and in theory editable separately.

You would want to do and exist entity api with the other validations and add the responce in the if &&…
Expect it will return true or false but never tried.

Here is the completed DB import file incase anyone else would like.

USR_AddUsers.zip (1.6 KB)

Don’t forget to change in Scripts both the Role Name and Entity Type (in this case Role Name ‘Employee’ and Entity Type (Staff)

if you don’t need an entity just delete that bit out :slight_smile:

Thanks @JTRTech Kendash and Q for your help


Like I said … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I knew you could work it all out though… I went on a boat, swam in the ocean, did some snorkeling, caught 5 Tuna on the way home, then had Sashimi dinner with friends until late in the night, and the power went out on the island. Great time, lots of JD, sun, and fun!


What is the helper command for that? is it dlg.?

Look at the last part of the script, there is already couple in there.

1 Like

Ahh thought so. Just confirming thanks :slight_smile:

Just adding Validation, how would I cancel if someone pressed Cancel?

dlg.AskQuestion('Add Employee Named: '+usr+' ?','OK,Cancel');

Just a guess…

Make it a var, perhaps the value pressed is passed back. ie;

var addEmployeeAQ = dlg.AskQuestion('Add Employee Named: '+usr+' ?','OK,Cancel');
if ( addEmployeeAQ == 'OK' ) {

Or you could add an else with aborted message;

var addEmployeeAQ = dlg.AskQuestion('Add Employee Named: '+usr+' ?','OK,Cancel');
if ( addEmployeeAQ == 'OK' ) {
} else {
  dlg.AskQuestion('Adding User '+usr+' Aborted','OK');

That is if the ask question button is returned to the var on the first line…


I was just getting there :smiley:

Let me see how different this is to what ive done

it was almost the same, but ive deleted what I did.

I think its ordered wrong? I don’t get the cancelled message, but says pin or username already in use lol

// run SQL to create the User
q = "INSERT INTO [Users] ([PinCode], [Name], [UserRole_Id]) VALUES ('" + pin + "', '" + usr + "', '"+grp+"')";
var r = sql.ExecSql(q);

// create user entity
dlg.AskQuestion('Employee named '+usr+' added.','OK');
   } else {
  dlg.AskQuestion('Adding User '+usr+' Aborted','OK');
  } else {
dlg.AskQuestion('User or PinCode Already in use.','OK');


actually, ill just not have that bit ill just have cancel cancel it off

1 Like

Hard to follow without whole script,


cant seem to add the } in the right place…

So here goes:

function createUser(u,p) {
  // can get User and Pin fed via function or 
  //use Data.Get to retrieve Program Settings
  var usr = (typeof u === 'undefined' || u=='' ? Data.Get("Username") : u);
  var pin = (typeof p === 'undefined' || p=='' ? Data.Get("PIN") : p);
  var grp = 'Employee';

  var q="SELECT [Id] FROM [UserRoles] WHERE [Name]='" + grp + "'";
  var grp = sql.Query(q).First;

  // more validation
  usr = (typeof usr === 'undefined' ? '' : usr);
  pin = (typeof pin === 'undefined' ? '' : pin);
  grp = (typeof grp === 'undefined' ? '' : grp);
  //check for existing user with that name
  var q="SELECT COUNT([Name]) AS [COUNT] FROM [Users] WHERE [Name]='" + usr + "'";
  var nameCount = sql.Query(q).First;

  //ceck for existing user with that pincode
  var q="SELECT COUNT([Name]) AS [COUNT] FROM [Users] WHERE [PinCode]='" + pin + "'";
  var pinCount = sql.Query(q).First;
  var addEmployeeAQ = dlg.AskQuestion('Add Employee Named: '+usr+' ?','OK,Cancel');
  if ( addEmployeeAQ == 'OK' ) {

  if (usr!='' && pin!='' && grp!='' && nameCount==0 && pinCount==0) {

// run SQL to create the User
q = "INSERT INTO [Users] ([PinCode], [Name], [UserRole_Id]) VALUES ('" + pin + "', '" + usr + "', '"+grp+"')";
var r = sql.ExecSql(q);

// create user entity
dlg.AskQuestion('Employee named '+usr+' added.','OK');
   } else {
  dlg.AskQuestion('Adding User '+usr+' Aborted','OK');
  } else {
dlg.AskQuestion('User or PinCode Already in use.','OK');


Download notpad++ or something similar, can be helpfull for visually seeing the start/stop of brackets etc.


ah, I have that already

didn’t hink of that


Try this;

function createUser(u,p) {
  // can get User and Pin fed via function or 
  //use Data.Get to retrieve Program Settings
  var usr = (typeof u === 'undefined' || u=='' ? Data.Get("Username") : u);
  var pin = (typeof p === 'undefined' || p=='' ? Data.Get("PIN") : p);
  var grp = 'Employee';

  var q="SELECT [Id] FROM [UserRoles] WHERE [Name]='" + grp + "'";
  var grp = sql.Query(q).First;

  // more validation
  usr = (typeof usr === 'undefined' ? '' : usr);
  pin = (typeof pin === 'undefined' ? '' : pin);
  grp = (typeof grp === 'undefined' ? '' : grp);
  //check for existing user with that name
  var q="SELECT COUNT([Name]) AS [COUNT] FROM [Users] WHERE [Name]='" + usr + "'";
  var nameCount = sql.Query(q).First;

  //ceck for existing user with that pincode
  var q="SELECT COUNT([Name]) AS [COUNT] FROM [Users] WHERE [PinCode]='" + pin + "'";
  var pinCount = sql.Query(q).First;

  if (usr!='' && pin!='' && grp!='' && nameCount==0 && pinCount==0) {
		var addEmployeeAQ = dlg.AskQuestion('Add Employee Named: '+usr+' ?','OK,Cancel'); 
		if ( addEmployeeAQ == 'OK' ) {

			// run SQL to create the User
			q = "INSERT INTO [Users] ([PinCode], [Name], [UserRole_Id]) VALUES ('" + pin + "', '" + usr + "', '"+grp+"')";
			var r = sql.ExecSql(q);

			// create user entity
			dlg.AskQuestion('Employee named '+usr+' added.','OK');

		} else {
			dlg.AskQuestion('Adding User '+usr+' Aborted','OK');
	} else {
	dlg.AskQuestion('User or PinCode Already in use.','OK');

Have moved the add question inside the validated stage… no point in asking if its going to fail anyway :slight_smile:
Not tested…