Merging or changing tickets duplicates double waiter name on entity

i created staff entity and made and created a setup where i can change and transfer tables to another waiter, its working okay but i have a problem of when i merge tables together it shows the waiter names double on the entities but if the tablesare not merged it shows ok


my New Order states is like this
<size 150>{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:‘’+[EN.Staff]:((TEN.Table=$1) or (TEN.Take Away=$1))}
<size 300> $1<size 200>{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:‘
’+[EN.Company]+[EN.Employee Accnt]+[EN.Customer]:((TEN.Table=$1) or (TEN.Take Away=$1) and (TCET=Customer))}
<background {CALL:fn.getColor(‘{ENTITY STATE MINUTES:Status}’)}><size 150>⌚ 0{ENTITY STATE MINUTES:Status}min

is there a way i can change it to show only one name not 2 names when merged together

my setup for transfering tables to another waiter

my setup for changing tables is like this

In the first 2 screen shots you posted, it does not look right. In the rule you should have a field named name (according to your action). But it is named Table Name.

Make sure you do not have 2 actions with the same name (highly unlikely). Other wise, removed the action from the rule. Save the rule, reopen the rule and re-add the action back in.

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Also, you have Automation Command named Change Table is that a button you created or is that the SambaPOS default button?

i created a change table autommation button and removed the default button from my ticket type

ok i will check on that

got it working by fixing my New Order state format, but im having a problem with merging tickets , i checked this post but still cant get it to work