Mobile client setup Error encountered

Following this tutorial to setup mobile client

At 5.2. Mobile Client Settings I got an error “helper service communicate error”

When I click the find button.

I recheck again if I missed any step but discover I dont have "SambaPOS Mobile Client Helper in my service.

What can I do please?

SambaPOS Mobile Client helper is from an old version and you don’t have to install it manually for new version of mobile client.

What version of Sambapos? Be sure message server is running

I’m using SambaPOS 5

He would have meant actual version with update number,
Make sure your up to date with latest versionm

Most important though is are you running message server.

Message server is running. I have 3 terminal connected too

I’m using version 5.2.26.

You need to install message server on port 9000+

Don’t forget to open inbound ports for 9000 in Windows firewall

I have message server installed on port 9000+

And allow port 9000 in inbound and outbound rules

I have done this before for a client without issues.

I will try and use another tablet to see if the problem will solve

It was built into message server. Make sure you have latest version installed.

What is the Android version of the tablet you are having problems with?

Good question Mark. I wonder that too.

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