Need help please in php

i want to install php warehouse module and i search and found a topic about installing php and i did what they say in the topic but its appear to me a white screen like this

You should look up in google about PHP this forum is for SambaPOS and while users like QmCkay created a great PHP solution for some problems this is not the place for PHP support. There are thousands of resources online to help you with PHP.

i want to setup sambapos ware house like in the topic

Everything you need for that is in the discussion. It is a user configuration designed by a user it is not a module. You shouldnt even attempt it if you have no knowledge of PHP.

Do you have PHP installed and are you running IIS?

all i want to say i setup the php on lls as they show on the topic put nothing change and i put a replay on the topic to make some one help me but no one reply

Nobody replied because nobody was interested or your question was not clear enough. Right now even I have no idea what your problem is. Remember this is SambaPOS forum most people here are not interested in PHP or setting up IIS. You might find better help in a forum specific to PHP and IIS.

If its not working then you did something wrong. Perhaps someone that is actually interested in PHP and IIS might offer you some help but if you get no response then its probably because they dont understand your issue or they simply are not interested.

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ok can i use wamp for installing php in stead of IIS in the topic

You can do anything you want… just dont expect a SambaPOS forum to provide support for other software than SambaPOS. I am not trying to be mean but you may get faster and better response to those questions in other forums specific for PHP or Web services.

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ok thank you
but i want to ask you about thing
Can I enter the warehouse inventory without enter the sambapos setting

With version 5 you can but not version 4.

ok i have a problem with v-5 I am installing sampabos in three places and i have to registration the three places if i install sambapos v-5 as i know or one registration can use for the three places

When you say three places do you mean three different restaurants or just 3 different terminals in the same restaurant?

three different restaurants

Yes you would have to purchase 3 licenses for v5.