[New 4.1.43] Custom Field columns on Ticket Explorer screen

You can display Entity Custom Field columns on Ticket Explorer screen. These columns are not visible by default. You can use Show Column Chooser command to insert needed columns to screen.

You can also use Show Search Panel command to search by custom field values. That function works only for rows displayed on screen so if open tickets are displayed your search will only display open tickets.


Hi @emre how can I open these options. Is there a special option I want it to show the customer name next to the customer number but it only shows the Phone number.

Right click one of the headers of a column.

Hi @kendash I tried but it’s not showing column chooser.

What version of SambaPOs are you running?

I logged out and logged in as admin it worked I was logged in as staff before… Oops

But it keeps going back to the way it was before how do u save these setting.

Soon as you make the change you need to logout and close SambaPOS completely then restart it.

Thank you @kendash it worked.

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Hi Jesse it was working fine until I updated to V5 is there a special trick to save the setting as the old trick isn’t working anymore with V5

No trick it still works but you may need to delete the layout files and try again.

there are actually no layout files in the sambapos 5 layout folder

They are not stored there. Pretty sure it’s your users folder.

This is the only folder for this User. I do have a sambapos4 folder which have all the layouts from previous version.