Noob Q. Automatically load entity after input

Got my entities being created no problem. just cant get it to select it after creating.

Have tried both ‘load entity’ and ‘change entity’ actions with [:CommandValue] within but it fails :confused:

What am I doing wrong?


Not sure what your trying to do. Share your config.

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Load Ticket is my latest try

Gotta be one of the actions ive already tried?

Will guess that [:CommandValue] is empty. What do you expect that value to contain? It will not contain the value from [?Customers Name] input prompt.

You will probably need to store the value from the prompt in a Program Setting, then use that Setting instead of [:CommandValue]

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Seems to work all the way down? all of the fields are being filled in.

Ill try that way though


Of course it will create the Entity.

But it won’t load the Entity because you are using [:CommandValue] (which is empty) as the Entity Name for the Load Action.

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Thanks Q, thought it would be something easy.

All sorted :slight_smile:

Edit: incase anyone else tries this in future, I had to do a create ticket action at the end to make it show

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The action for change ticket entity has option to create ticket. You can eliminate the Create Ticket action.

I didn’t have it, yet it didn’t show the customer was selected?

Also, just to add… in the action ive set create account to true yet no accounts have been created?

Is it something ive missed?

Typically you need to.refresdh ticket to see the entity.

I thought that, but couldn’t see that action? was pretty sure it was there before.

It’s not called that. It’s display ticket action. Just put 0 for ticket id

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thanks, doh.

Any idea on the account not being created?

Account Creation is dependent on the Account Name Template. For example, if your Template is:

[Phone] - [Name]

… then the Account will only be created along with Entity Creation if both those fields are populated.

The issue you are facing is likely due to the fact that the Phone field is not complete when you do the Create Entity Action, so the Account cannot be created at that time.

I would suggest using the API to create the Account after the Entity is Created and Updated to contain the Phone field.

aha gotcha! No clues on API so ill try in my head work out a way…


Edit: yes that was the problem, I fixed it by just doing [Name], however that might not work if there is 2 customers with the same name.

Is there a way of adding the [DATE]? or {DATE}?

EDIT 2: yes, ok my bad. Easily done. All sorted. Thanks :slight_smile:

This fixes the issue of account creation:

{RANDOM:4:0123456789} - [?Customer Name]

Easy solution really lol