Oh hell.. What did I do?

oh I know what I’ve done, but how to fix it? hehe

How can I reset the database info?

How can I reset the database info?
locate SambaSettings.txt under following:

Ive changed your topic to a questions as it isnt an issue with Samba not working.

You have changed your connection string to the database, you can edit it in that box that you have shown a screen shot of. Did you change the default settings when installing as User Id is usually sambapos.

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@RickH yeah I just changed it for testing, I didn’t save it though.
However I did try changing it from the error box, it didn’t work.
Thanks for changing the topic, it was an issue with my samba not working, hehe
@morshed1 thanks mate, fixed

If you installed SQL express to use windows authentication then take out userid and password you don’t need them. Your missing the instance name it should look like Database Source=\Sambapos; if Sambapos I not your instance then just change it to the right one.