Person Count 151515

Is there a way to add 'Person Count" under “Order Count” on the report?
I’m using Ticket Tags now, but its a bit ‘clunky’ to input that and then have to add the ticket tags later…

In your title what does the 151515 mean? That kind of confused me. BTW Use V5 Question category for questions the Tutorial Category is reserved for Tutorials. If your questions is about version 4 then use the Version 4 category.

Yes you can put Person Count anywhere in the report you want since in V5 it is a custom report. By default it does not count persons. How are you defining them when you do a ticket?

You are asking about version 5 right? That report looks an awful lot like version 4.

Order cling section is a order based state report.
You could write/edit the work period report to achieve something like that but could look at alternative to ticket tag - maybe ticket state.

If it’s setting person could post ticket creation that is the consern you could look at automating a prompt to set person count at ticket creation using whatever method you choose to log the person count be it tag or state.

For V4 you can’t modify default reports. For V5 you can edit default reports to change default layout.

thanks and sorry guys… I’m using v4. I thought id be smarter getting around this program!! lol (is v5 free too?)

Info for version5

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