Pricing of Pizza Half and Half

I know. That why I like your post. I don’t know what they try to make it so difficult. Maybe we are not in pizza business we have no idea. Probably my last suggestion on this for now.

I am not in pizza business! I simply offer a solution to what was asked.

If Samba is promoted as the software that lets you make exactly how you want then why is it a case of why don’t you change your pricing structure?

This person has a pricing structure in mind and has asked how to impliment in samba…

Fair enough buddy. I didn’t mean in any way to try and instil the solution I provided. Since I don’t know much about scripting, I only went with a suggestion that I know worked for some others I helped in the past, so I thought to share it. Otherwise by all means his happy to choose whichever methods suit his setup

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OK @damian Think Ive sussed it…

How does this look?
Ignore the ask questions with prices, they were my working testers.


I added the portion ask question setup to help you with the changing portions issue, this prompts for portion on order adding meaning you wont need to re-add the tags is forget to set portion first.

The important one being the last one, for the 50/50 tags it triggers.
The first action changes the order price to the tag price IF the tag price is higher than the order price.
The second action changes the tag price down to 0 so that it then doesnt effect the order price.

This will only change up… if you remove a higher priced tag it will not revert to the ‘highest’ tag after that…
If you set your ‘extra’ topping tags to not be included in the order price they will be kept clear of the automation and be added seperatly to the ticket total.


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Don’t forget when order untagged. I think it gonna effect the price if they remove the higher tag.

As it updates the order price and clears the tag prices removing tags will not reduce the price.
Hence why I said;

Sorry, haven’t read it, just skim thru the picture. I learnt from Q always have order untagged event when dealing with order tag automation. :wink:


With a bit more work you could probably look though tag values and reevaluate the highest price tag but this this will suffice for now. :slight_smile:

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I am testing this… and found that if you have a FILTER in the ORDER TAG LIST, it does NOT work… maybe its a bug, but samba shows 0 for price when a FILTER is active…



Hmmm, cant see why filter would effect it, what are you filtering to?

Because I only wnat to display those tags when you click in HALF Order Tag Button

Otherwise (and as defualt) Half pizzas are not shown…



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Arr, I see, cause your not using a 50/50 half half product.

I would suggest dropping some ask question actions in there to see where its failing.
Ie, its not reading the tag value or something else.

Guessing you double checked that without the filter it worked ok for you?

yes, but I also have not defined that as a filter or anywhere else…

I am using my previous TAG (METADE)… I I take out the filter it works great!!!



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And when you add a half tag what does the show message show?

If you have a filter defined it displays 0 - and the correct order price
if you dont have a filter defined it displays the correct tag price - the correct order price



Stop staying thanks every time LOL :stuck_out_tongue:
No need hehe

Am strugling to replicate, where is METADE coming from? what is it, thought it was tag category but isnt…
Got it, sorry, prefix :wink:

This looks like a bug with prefix on order tag.
Although saying that Im sure I saw this mentioned before actually.
Makes sence kinda as prefix would be used for say, no, extra, instead of and so on which values dont really work for.

Would tag category work for you?
And define the format as Half: {0} so it still prefixes the tag with Half or METADE: in your case?

OR have a half half portion on the pizza and map the half half tags only to that portion?


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