Problems Connecting to windows Server 2012 Datacentre from a windows 7 terminal

:bulb: Note that connecting to the Database and connecting to the Message Server are not the same thing. For your Client Terminals to work properly, you need to ensure both types of connection are working properly.

  • Database connection requires open Firewall Ports TCP 1433 and UDP 1434.

  • allows Terminals to read Product, Menu, and other configuration details

  • Message Server connection requires open Firewall Port TCP 9000 (by default).

  • communicates Screen Updates between Terminals, such as Entity State changes (ie. changing table color)

##Database Connection

Each Terminal (including the SERVER) needs to have the proper Connection String configured.

The Datasource parameter should be the Computer Name or IP Address of the SERVER machine where the Database is located, followed by the INSTANCENAME that was used when SQL Server Express was installed (by default: SQLEXPRESS), for example:

Data Source=SERVERNAME\INSTANCENAME; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos; Database=SambaPOS5jv;

Data Source=SERVER-PC\SQLEXPRESS; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos; Database=SambaPOS5;

Data Source=\SQLEXPRESS; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos; Database=SambaPOS5;

##Message Server Connection

The Message Server Service should only be running on the SERVER machine. Client Terminals will connect to this Service so they can communicate between eachother.

In the Message Server configuration for each Terminal (including the SERVER), it needs to be configured to connect to the Message Server Service, as a Client.

The Message Server Name should be the Computer Name or IP Address of the SERVER machine where the Service is running.

Read the following Topic in it’s entirety for more information:

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