Profit Report to show 0 cost items


We have an already set report that shows profit per item sold
However, the report ignores the items that cost 0.000 in their recipes (We do sell items that we get for free).
I would like to include all the items regrdless of how much they cost

This is the current code for the report

[Sold Items Profit Report:6, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
>Name|Sold|Cost|T. Cost|Price|T. Price|Profit|% Profit
{REPORT COST DETAILS:C.Name,C.Quantity.Sum,[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]/[C.Quantity.Sum],[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]/[C.Quantity.Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]-[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[$7/$6];%##.00;-%##.00;-:CostItem.Cost!=0}
>Total|{REPORT COST DETAILS:C.Quantity.Sum,C.Cost.Sum,[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],C.AvgPrice.Sum,[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[([C.AvgPrice]*[C.Quantity]).Sum]-[([C.Cost]*[C.Quantity]).Sum],[$6/$5];%##.00;-%##.00;-:CostItem.Cost!=0}

I am not sure how to edit it to display the right thing although I can clearly see it conditions the cost of item to not equal 0

I would appreciate your support

The problem is that is a cost report. The item will have no cost and won’t show in that report. You would need to use a sales report and subtract the cost to show profit vs using a cost report.